Weekly Events — UL BCM

Anyone is welcome to attend any of our events, no matter your religious background!


free lunch

Tuesdays 11:30Am

Every Wednesday we have free lunch for all students. Churches around town cook great meals for you to enjoy. While you eat, we put on a game show for you to enjoy! Come eat and hang out with us!



Tuesdays 7:00pm

Our weekly worship services are a time to come together with fellow UL students. We have a music, a short message, and small group discussions at the end. Afterwards, we usually all go out to eat to get to know each other even more.


Freshman night

Tuesdays 5:30 pm

Every Tuesday night we have a special event for Freshmen! It is a great time to connect with other freshmen, get a solid devotion, and have some fun. If you are interested in this, just stop by on a Tuesday or email us.





We would love for you to come hang out with us, get involved with one of our small groups, and even get involved with our music team if you are interested! Sign up below: